Caring for the Central Massachusetts Community

Plenty to do, plenty to see — all here in Central Massachusetts! From historic villages to shows at the Hanover Theatre, Central Mass has it all! Many consider our own Worcester to be the cultural capital of the region! To us, the most important thing in our beautiful hilly woodlands are the residents who live here. Here at Accessible Home Health Care, we believe that sometimes, it takes a village to care for any individual. This is especially true for seniors who may be in need of additional care. We believe in lending a helping hand to the communities we serve, so they, in turn, can assist their residents, whether or not they are recipients of our in-home health care services.

Talk To Us

Our team will listen to your concerns and help you create a plan that fits your family's needs and budget.

Find the Perfect Caregiver

We'll arrange meet & greets with experienced caregivers and match you with someone who truly bonds with your loved one.

Enjoy Your Peace of Mind

Our caregivers are available 24/7 to do more than maintain your loved one's quality of life. They improve it.

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Contact us
319 Southbridge Street, Suite #220
Auburn , MA 01501
FinCen ID #: 2000-0276-6254

In-Home Care Resources for Worcester and Middlesex Counties

As loved ones age, family members often take on the role of caregivers. It can be challenging to provide the level of care your loved one is used to while also balancing the responsibilities of work and family.

Fortunately, there are many resources for caregivers and their families right in the heart of the Commonwealth. Below is a list of the best resources for family caregivers in Worcester and Middlesex counties.

Central Massachusetts Area Social Services and Organizations

The Elder Services of Worcester Area (ESWA) offers programs for seniors such as nutrition assistance, money management courses, counseling, referrals, and many other informative programs and enrichment activities. The ESWA is funded by the Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs with federal support from the Older Americans Act.

Senior Getting Help from Caregiver

Elder Affairs supports elderly and disabled residents’ right to ‘age in the community’ so they can live well and be safe. The Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs (EOEA) provides access to quality, person-centered aging and disability services, and promotes the independence, empowerment, and well-being of older adults, individuals with disabilities, and their caregivers.

Find an Alzheimer’s support group in your community or look for a research study to participate with TrialMatch. From news to events, the Alzheimer’s Association of MA/NH  provides both national and local information for caregivers of patients with Alzheimer’s disease.

The Massachusetts Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center is a specialized research center funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to research, train and provide outreach programs in an effort to discover effective treatments and an eventual cure for Alzheimer’s disease.

Central Massachusetts Agency on Aging (CMAA) is the leader in the planning, development, and funding of a comprehensive and coordinated community-based service system throughout our planning and service area. CMAA works to help seniors lead independent, meaningful, and dignified lives in their own homes and communities for as long as possible.

Caregiver with Senor Woman

MassOptions connects elders, individuals with disabilities, and their caregivers with agencies and organizations that can best meet their needs. Learn more about MassOptions, the network of partners and State agencies and how to contact them here.

Massachusetts Councils on Aging (MCOA) is a nonprofit, membership association of the 350 municipal councils on aging and senior centers. COAs are the first stop on the continuum of care. MCOA supports the 1.5 million adults aged 60+ in Massachusetts lead healthy, purposeful lives.

Member of Alzheimer Association of Worcester This year, Martine will be chairing the Diversity and Inclusion group walk for Alzheimer. The main objective is to increase the participation in the walk for three minority groups impacted by this disease. Latino, African American and Asian. Bring more awareness to those under served groups, and hope to eliminate stigma associated with the disease for those populations.

Member of Worcester Chamber of Commerce This group helped guide the planning our Ribbon Cutting event (which was cancelled due to snow storm- we will have it in Spring). 311 Main Street, Suite 200 Worcester, MA 01608 Tel: (508) 753-2924

WAGS- Worcester Area Geriatric Social Workers Martine became part of the leadership team as of 12/2018 and will be hosting two events this year and provide both the speakers and location.
Leadership team responsibilities: Planning/Agenda/Guest speakers for monthly network events.

Member of WENG Geriatric Care Manager in Central Massachusetts … of the Worcester Elder Caregivers’ Networking Group (WENG).

Worcester County Senior Centers and Activities

The Worcester Senior Center, located on Vernon Hill, offers free meals and activities for seniors, a computer lab, educational programs, health and wellness clinics, as well as organized group trips and transportation services.  The Worcester Senior Center is a bright and welcoming place for all seniors, their families and caregivers, elder service providers and the community at large.

Transportation Service Deals for Worcester and Middlesex County Area Seniors

SCM Elderbus is a private non-profit 501 (c) 3 organization that provides affordable transportation ($1.50 per in town trip) to all residents age 60 and over, as well as the disabled.  Personal Care Attendants ride for free. SCM Elderbus provides transportation services to twenty-two communities in central Massachusetts. For inquiries about our services or to make a reservation call us at 1-800-321-0243.

Senior with Cain with Caregiver

In-Home Caregivers in Central Massachusetts

Caring for your loved one is both a joy and a challenge. We want you to know that you’re never alone in your efforts to care for your family. With resources throughout Worcester and Middlesex counties, there are plenty of options to support you and your loved one.

If you have any questions about these services, or if you feel that your loved one would benefit from extra assistance in their home, we can help.

See how our caregivers can help your loved one today.

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