Category Archives: Featured Resource Post

How to Support Your Senior During the Doldrums of Winter: Post-Holiday Seasonal Affective Disorder

It’s a new year. Holiday celebrations have come to a close, and life’s routine is starting to return. For some, this transition from a lot of activity back to normalcy is easy, but for seniors who are struggling with seasonal affective disorder, this can be a challenging time. With the turn of the calendar, the […]

Immunity Boosting Tips and Illness Prevention for Seniors

It’s that time of the year again. The holidays are in full swing, families are coming together to celebrate, and cold weather has arrived. Most find that spending quality time with loved ones during the holidays is their number one priority. However, for the seniors in your life, boosting their immunity and preventing illness may […]

Diabetic-Friendly Baking for Seniors

November is Diabetes Awareness Month. Diabetes is a condition that affects 38.4 million Americans; 29.2% of those individuals are above the age of 65. This makes it one of the more common chronic conditions that affects seniors. With the holidays upon us, it can feel daunting to adjust your food plans to fit your loved […]