Why Respite Care for the Elderly Is Important for Caregivers

Woman Medical In-home Caretaker with Senior Man

Caregiving is a full-time job that is often disproportionately placed on the shoulders of family caregivers. In fact, 83% of caregivers providing assistance to seniors and those with chronic conditions are unpaid family members, friends, and neighbors. This report comes as no surprise to family caregivers who shoulder the responsibility of providing care for a loved one every day.

Often, the physical and emotional burdens on family caregivers can become overwhelming. It’s not unusual for caregivers to report health problems as they often focus on taking care of their loved one’s needs above their own. In order to provide your loved one with the care they need, sometimes the best thing one can do is take a break. It’s difficult to look after someone’s well being when you are worn out. Respite care for the elderly is available to help you lessen the responsibility of caring for another while still providing the level of care your loved one requires.

The Benefits of Respite Care

Rest and Renewal

Caregiving can be such a demanding and stressful responsibility that 51% of caregivers say they don’t have time to take care of themselves. The inability to find time to take care of your own well being can seriously impact your health. In fact, 53% of family caregivers said their health got worse due to caregiving, and the decline in health can affect your ability to provide adequate care.

Taking a break can allow you time to relax, run errands, and catch up with friends, but it also gives you the opportunity to care for your health. In order to give your loved one the best care, it’s important for you to be feeling your best. Respite care for caregivers can give you the time you need to get the health care services and rest you require.

Find Support

While there are many people who care for their family members, it can feel like you’re on your own if you don’t have a support system. While everyone’s situation is different, it’s important to take the time to reach out to those around you for support. Caregiving should never be a one person job, and receiving respite care for the elderly can give you the opportunity to take a break and build a strong support group.

Reach out to friends and family for help. It is always better to share the responsibility of caregiving, and family members and friends can be a great source of comfort and relief. You can also join caregiving groups to share your experience and gain new insight on how to care for your loved one.

If you’d like to share your experience with other families and connect with professional caregivers, you can download our Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care app. You can also join online caregiving support groups like caring.com or the Alzheimer’s Association Caregiver Center. Sometimes, just talking with others, sharing your story, and knowing you are not alone can be a great comfort.

Socialization for Seniors

While respite care for the elderly can give you time to rest and socialize, it also provides your loved one with the same opportunity. Having another caregiver can give your loved one access to a new companion who can help improve their quality of life. Professional caregivers can provide activities to engage your loved one and assist them with daily activities. If your loved one has a lot of doctor visits and appointments, a professional caregiver can also provide transportation to help your loved one get the care they need.

Transitioning Care

Often, the amount of care needed will increase over time. If your loved one needs assistance around the clock, it can be difficult to meet the level of support they require. When considering how to provide care for your loved one, a professional caregiver can help you and your loved one transition to receiving higher levels of care.

Say your loved one needs more help with daily activities. A second caregiver could arrive in the morning and help your loved one get ready for the day by assisting with grooming, bathing, and dressing. If your loved one’s needs increase, adding additional caregiving services can help provide them with the care they need without you shouldering the responsibility of caring for them alone.

In Home Care Respite Services

If you’re considering how to get respite care for the elderly, in home care can provide seniors with a variety of services to meet their level of care in the comfort of their home, while allowing family caregivers time to rest. Below are some of the services that Accessible Home Health Care offers to help your loved one get the care they need while you take a much-needed break:

Companion Services

If your loved one needs a helping hand around the house, companion services can assist with daily activities to help them remain independent in their home. Light housekeeping and laundry services can help keep their home tidy and relieve family caregivers. Companion services can assist with meal preparation to ensure your loved one gets the nutrition they need. Transportation services are also available to help your loved one attend doctor visits.

Convalescent Care

If your loved one is recuperating from an illness, injury, or surgery, a trained caregiver can help them get back on their feet. Generally, convalescent care is short-term and lasts as long as required for your loved one’s health to return. To help with the recovery process, skilled caregivers can provide occupational, physical, and speech therapy. Nurses can also provide post-operative care, wound care, IV treatment, and more to assist your loved one.

Chronic Care

For those that have long-term ailments, certified caregivers can help patients with chronic conditions such as memory loss, Alzheimer’s, Dementia, and Parkinson’s improve the quality of their lives. Trained and certified to assist patients with long-term ailments, professional caregivers can offer a variety of services from medical treatments such as therapy and wound care, to non-medical services like housekeeping, transportation, and more to help improve your loved one’s quality of life.

Taking a break from caregiving can be difficult, but it is necessary. Remembering to take the time to care for yourself is important to be able to continue providing for your loved one. While it can be easy to feel as though you’re alone, there are respite care options available and trained caregivers who are ready to help provide your loved one with the services they need to stay healthy and give you a well-deserved break.