Do you know your loved one’s rights as a patient receiving home care? Understanding human rights in home care is incredibly important to help your loved one receive the care they need. In fact, a patient Bill of Rights is the most fundamental document a home care agency can provide. While many home care companies have a patient Bill of Rights, they are not always upheld in practice.
That’s why we created our patient Bill of Rights before accepting our first client. We want your loved one to know they have a voice and the ability to choose how they are cared for. We understand that providing you with the knowledge you need to make informed decisions benefits your loved one’s health.
To help you know what rights you and your loved one are entitled to while receiving care from our certified caregivers, we’ve highlighted the core individual rights in home care that are stated in our Patient Bill of Rights. These concepts define the values, quality of care, and services that are at the heart of Accessible Home Health Care because receiving compassionate care means your opinion matters to us.
- Transparency
Patient rights in home care start with open and honest communication between caregivers and patients. Our entire health team will work together with you and your loved one to develop an individualized plan of care. The patient will be informed in advance about the care and treatments that will be provided. Nothing is set in stone either; the plan of care can change at any time to meet your loved one’s potentially evolving needs. If changes happen, you and your loved one will be informed.
We understand knowledge is power, and our caregivers also have the responsibility to provide information and help patients understand their condition. This information includes educating the patient about their ailment, health needs, and safety. Caregivers will go over emergency procedures too, so you know how your loved one will be cared for at all times.
- Choice
Never forget that you have a voice. Many people believe they must go with the health care provider and services their doctor refers, but this is a misconception. You can select the home care agency of your choice, and we can provide full knowledge of alternative services available.
You have the right to choose the caregiver that provides care to your loved one as well. Using our AccessMatch© program, we will pair your loved one with a caregiver whose credentials and temperament meets their health care needs and matches their personality. You and your family will meet with potential caregivers before starting care, so you have a say throughout the entire process about who cares for your loved one and how that care is provided.
- Respect
In order to receive the most comprehensive care, patients need to be able to trust that their caregivers will protect their wellbeing and any information shared in confidence. This means that our staff will treat patient’s personal property, lifestyle, and spiritual and emotional wellbeing with the utmost dignity and respect. We understand that caregivers often become a source of emotional support, and we want to make sure that your loved one feels both safe and cared for.
Protecting your loved one’s confidentiality goes hand in hand with respecting their privacy and personhood. We will handle all access to medical records according to state statutes in order to protect their identity.
- Grievances
If you are unhappy with the level of care being provided, it is within your right to change caregivers, care providers, or voice grievances without reprisal or discrimination. All grievances will be investigated to ensure that caregivers are providing the best care possible. You have the right to speak to company administration about any questions or concerns regarding your loved one’s care. If you are concerned with the level of care or home health services provided, you have the right to contact your state elder abuse line.
It is important to understand individual rights in home care so you can have a say in how health care services are provided to your loved one. We want to make the process as easy as possible and give you the ability to make informed decisions. We can walk you through our patient Bill of Rights step-by-step so you can help your loved one receive the in home care they deserve. If you have any questions about our policies or patient rights in home care, contact us.