How to Support Someone With Arthritis

Older man sitting on the couch managing arthritis pain

One in four adults in the United States has been diagnosed with a painful joint condition known as arthritis. The two most common types are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis is caused by the mechanical wear and tear on the body’s joints. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease in which the body’s immune system attacks […]

Daylight Savings Time: How It Affects Seniors & How To Cope

Daylight savings time an how it affects seniors

Remembering when to set our clocks an hour ahead or an hour behind is difficult enough for the average person. Making such changes in the lives of seniors, especially those who already face the challenges of memory disorders, can have adverse effects. When a senior relies on routine to get through the day, disrupting that […]

Love Beyond Time: Nurturing Intergenerational Bonds

A grandfather stands in the kitchen with his grandson making a fruit salad together.

In many cultures, the elder members of a family or group are revered beyond measure. This is due to their value as keepers of the traditions and stories. Seniors can pass along their lifetime of experience and knowledge to the next generation through storytelling and related activities. Traditions, histories, and culture are a big part […]

Managing Holiday Loneliness in Seniors: Tips and Support

Caregiver sits beside senior during the holidays in front of a Christmas tree.

The holiday season is a time for joy, togetherness, and celebration. However, for many seniors, it can also be a time of increased loneliness and isolation. As families gather and festivities abound, some seniors might find themselves grappling with feelings of solitude. Understanding the causes of this loneliness and offering support can make a significant […]